أخبار عاجلة

Cloning types and provisions

الإستنساخ أنواعه وأحكامه

Cloning is one of the important issues of modern are, so therefore it is necessary to discuss it appropriately in the light of Islamic Law. Cloning is copying from original, means injecting male sperm in the female’s sperm, in such a time when female uterus is empty of chromosomes, for getting the original outcome. Cloning has three types: zoological (for the purpose of this article, zoological means related to animals, excluding human), botanical, and human. Islamic jurists have permitted botanical cloning because it has many benefits for humanity. Botanical cloning is permitted for its nature of solving nutritional problems. Similarly, Muslim jurists have permitted zoological cloning as it also has many advantages for humanity. For instance, in animal farms, animals are produced from those animals that have all genetic properties. In addition, it is also used in the production of medicines that are effective in treating genetic diseases, like in producing of proteins used for treating children that have been born with some genetic problems.

Human cloning is not legitimate, according to the views of muslin jurists, because it causes many mufasids (wrongful outcomes) and costs, as there is no nawyat (variety) in cloning and Allah has created humanity on the basis of the principle of variety, Human cloning is in contradiction with the principles of variety, as it is copy to original. No fatwa (Islamic declaration for the legitimacy and illegitimacy of a modern issue) has been issued for the legitimacy of human cloning in the Islamic conferences and jurisprudential assemblies. In 1418 hijri qamari (Islamic calendar on the basic of lunar cycle), declared the human cloning is not legitimate, even if it could cause the increase of human generation.

Keywords: Cloning Reproduction, Reproduction, Sexual Reproduction, Synthesis, Creativity, Invention.

Shams-ul-Islam Shams SAFI, Associate Professor: Dept. of Judgment & prosecution (Private Law), Faculty of Law & Political Science, Nangarhar University, Jalalabad – AFGHANISTAN

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