أخبار عاجلة

Challenges of implementing Islamic law in the modern era

تحديات تطبيق الشريعة الإسلامية في العصر الحديث

In an attempt to rearrange the correct path of Islamic civilization, a group of pioneers of contemporary Islamic thought worked to renew the contemporary aspects of Islamic life by calling for the activation of the revelation texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah, and the application of Islamic Sharia in all vital areas of the Islamic nation, considering that the supreme goal of human existence, other than That this intellectual initiative faced several realistic challenges, of global and internal dimensions, and regional ones, which made the project of implementing Islamic Sharia, in fact, a subject to the test. However, the originality of the call to Islamic legislation, and the emergence of great thinkers to defend this Islamic project, gave great impetus to overcoming many dilemmas and challenges in the modern era.

Keywords: Sharia, Contemporary, Reality, Challenges.

Hicham EN-NASRY, PhD research student: Thought of reform and change in Morocco and the Islamic world; Chaib Doukkali University, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, El Jadida- MOROCCO

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