أخبار عاجلة

العدد الخامس والثلاثون

The place of peace in Sahih Bukhari and Sunan Tirmidhi

Peace and peaceful life is one of the eternal ideals of mankind. Because peace and a sense of security provide the way for all-round development and improvement of human beings. And dear Islam always encourages its followers to establish peace and reconciliation and prefers the aspect of peace in all …

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The Impact of Organizational Justice on Organizational Outcomes in Participation Banks

This study investigates the relevant literature on organizational justice. It highlights some of the current obstacles in the field and suggests some issues that should be the focus of future research. This study aims to examine the impact of organizational justice on organizational outcomes in participation banks. This study’s objective …

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The Soviets’ attack, Jihad (Holy War), and Afghans’ resistance (1979-1989) AD

Afghanistan’s war against the Soviet Union was a turning point in its recent history. because it was crucial from a strategic standpoint for the Russians to seize control of Afghanistan. Due to communication between the leaders of the Communist parties at the time, each Afghan government’s ineffective policies were changed …

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Key Similarities between British and American English Dictionaries – A Comparative Study

The study aims at evaluating similarities between British and American English dictionaries. The analytical evaluative method was used to conduct the study. Two samples of each British and American English dictionaries were matched and analyzed to explain the similarities between them in pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, style, meaning and illustrative examples. …

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An analytical study of the Qur’anic verse: (ALhamd Lilah Rbb AI-Ealamin) From Quranic interpretation known as (Ruh AL-Maeani) by Imam Al-Alusi

دراسة تحليلية لقوله تعالى: {الحمد لله ربِّ العالمين} من تفسير روح المعاني للإمام الآلوسي Imam Al-Alusi Shihab al-Din Mahmud Effendi is the author of the commentary: “The Spirit of Meanings in the Interpretation of the Great Qur’an and the Seven Mathani” (Ruh AL-Maeani fi Tafsir AL-Quran AL-Eazim Wassabe AL-Mathani) among …

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The meanings of the Quranic discourse in context, An application to the stories mentioned in Surat Al-Baqarah

From the interpretation of Ibn Ashour إيضاح دلالات الخطاب القرآني بالسياق تطبيقًا على القصص الواردة في سورة البقرة، من تفسير ابن عاشور This paper deals with the context, and its impact on clarifying the connotations in the Quranic discourse, applying to the stories mentioned in Surat Al-Baqara, from the interpretation …

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Lifting hardship in Islam in the light of the purposes of Sharia and jurisprudential rules

رفع المشقة في الإسلام في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة والقواعد الفقهية In this article, an investigation was conducted on the removal of hardship from the taxpayer in Islamic law in the light of the purposes of Sharia and jurisprudential rules, and the methodology of the research is librarian. Three sections: the …

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Ruling on congregational prayer: a comparative jurisprudential study of the four schools of thought

حكم صلاة الجماعة: دراسة فقهية مقارنة لدى المذاهب الأربعة This study examines the jurisprudential ruling on congregational prayer by conducting a comparative analysis among the four schools of jurisprudence, using a descriptive-analytical approach. The study encompasses various aspects, including the significance of the subject, linguistic and terminological definitions of prayer …

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The rule of blood money in Islamic legislation and Indian law

حکم الدية في التشريع الاسلامي والقانون الهندي This article investigated the rule of blood money in Islamic legislation and Indian law, the methodology of desk research, and the importance of the subject to show Islam’s keenness to protect the human soul and prevent abuse and waste of it. The summary …

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Suspicions of usury dealers and responding to them

شبهات المتعاملين بالربا والرد عليها The Islamic economy of monetary capital recognizes the appended interest (profit) and never recognizes the prior interest and does not deprive it of its right, as is the case in some socialist economic systems. Therefore, it is not surprising that traditional banks and financial institutions …

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