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العدد التاسع عشر

A brief report on the virtual international forum on: Distance education at the Algerian University in the face of the challenges of the Corona pandemic

تقرير موجز عن الملتقى الدولي الافتراضي حول:التعليم عن بُعد في الجامعة الجزائرية في مواجّهة تحديات جائحة كورونا The current report includes the intellectual and constructive foundations of the project of the virtual international forum on the topic of problems, objectives with reference to the context of thinking, and also includes …

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Campaign results and repercussions Hannibal’s military over Italy across the Alps (218-202 BC)

نتائج وتداعيات حملة حنبعل العسكرية على إيطاليا عبر جبال الألب (218-202 ق.م.) The Carthaginian leader Hannibal’s crossing of the Alps constitutes a military achievement in itself, a victory for Hannibal’s will, a good organization and overcoming all difficulties, and a continuation of his assertion of the Carthaginian sovereignty within the Italian …

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Saharan Development and the Role of Civil and Political Societies, Scientific Approach to the City of Timimon, ALGERIA

التنمية الصحراوية ودور المجتمعين المدني والسياسي، مقاربة علمية لمدينة تميمون، الجزائر Algeria is a diverse country in terms of population, climate, and the variety of its desert, mountain, forest, and sea regions. Furthermore, the nation has a total size of 2.381.741 km2. The desert covers more than 75% of the …

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The role of the food industry sector in diversifying the sources of financing economic development in Algeria

دور قطاع الصناعة الغذائية في تنويع مصادر تمويل التنمية الاقتصادية في الجزائر This study aims to stand on the reality of the food industry sector in Algeria, as one of the most important economic sectors that can be relied upon in doubling and diversifying the sources of national income. foreign …

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The role of the story in the development of some language skills necessary for learners of Arabic for non-native speakers at the Ghana Language Institute

  (Speaking and reading skills as an example) دور القصة في تنمية بعض المهارات اللغوية الضرورية لمتعلمي اللغة العربية الناطقين بغيرها في معهد اللغات بغانا ( مهارتي التحدث والقراءة أنموذجا ) This research aims to identify the speaking and reading skills that non-Arabic speakers must possess at the Ghana Institute of …

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Employing educational games and the games of emotional release in raising the level of mental health of kindergarten children in Palestine from the point view of teachers: Jericho Governorate as a model

توظيف الالعاب التربوية والعاب التفريغ النفسي في رفع مستوى الصحة النفسية لاطفال رياض الاطفال في فلسطين  من وجهة نظر المعلمات: محافظة اريحا انموذجا. This study aims to reveal the level of applying the educational games and the games of emotional release in the kindergartens in the Jericho Governorate. it also …

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The Characteristics of the Critical Approach of Abu Hayyan al-Andalusi through his Interpretation of _Albahr Al Muhit_, Al-Fatihah and Albaqarah as a Model

سمات المنهج النقدي عند أبي حيان الأندلسي من خلال تفسيره البحر المحيط الفاتحة والبقرة أنموذجا This research explores the characteristics of the critical approach, according to one of the most prominent interpreters of Andalusia, Abu Hayyan, through his interpretation of “Albahr Al Muhit”. This inquiry falls within the scope of …

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Prophetic interpretation rules an analytical study

ضوابط التفسير النبوي للقرآن الكريم: دراسة تحليلية The search contain the controls of quran interpretation as a section of quraan sciences that the prophet mohammed peace be upon him relayed on, to show the importance of these controls and there affect in quraan understanding and explanation, by clarifying and insuring …

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Representations of popular literature of Ibn Badis’ political personality (Poetry as model)

تمثّلات الأدب الشعبي لشخصية ابن باديس السياسية(الشعر أنموذجا) Since its inception, Popular Poetry has gone through various historical stages, in which the poet sings his popular culture, remembering the most important events of his life, and poetry was at all times the air that the Algerian individual could not give …

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Erotisim in the poetry of Ahmed Abdel Rahman Ismail, a descriptive and analytical study

الغزل في شعر أحمد عبد الرحمن إسماعيل- دراسة وصفية تحليلية I dealt with the topic of “erotism in the poetry of Ahmed Abd al-Rahman Ismail”, to shed light on this poet and present some of his wonderful poems, and the aim of that is to try to spread the Chadian …

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